The Art of the Bookplate

A bookplate, or ex libris, is more than just a label. It represents a rich history of book ownership and artistic expression that dates back to the fifteenth century. Distinguished artists and their patrons have given serious attention to this art form, creating miniature graphic art prints that adorn books and provide a convenient, individualized way for the book’s owner to be identified.
Bookplates have been designed by artists and engravers such as Albrecht Dürer, Thomas Bewick, Paul Revere, Kate Greenaway, Aubrey Beardsley, Marc Chagall, M.C. Escher, Rockwell Kent, Leonard Baskin, Barry Moser, and others. Many are acknowledged for their work as book illustrators and designers. For example, Rockwell Kent made numerous contributions as a book illustrator, designer, and author. He was perhaps one of the twentieth century’s most famous American bookplate artists. Another influential and prolific artist was Leonard Baskin, best known as a sculptor and printmaker. He illustrated many books and created bookplates.
Bookplate owners are also a distinguished group. Queen Victoria of Great Britain owned a bookplate, as did George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Charles DeGaulle. Other famous people include Harpo Marx, James Cagney, Sigmund Freud, Walt Disney, J.P. Morgan, Jack London, and the list goes on.
Many techniques and mediums are used in their creation. Some include the woodcut, engraving on metal, silkscreen, etching, or pen and ink. And the fact that the work is created on a small scale is essential in executing these works. Also, the finest papers are utilized, with hand printing in many examples.
Both institutions and individuals are patrons of this graphic art. An institution, such as a public or private library, university, law firm, or museum, is interested in identifying a specific collection of books or multiple collections. The librarian may want to mark when a book was added to a collection or illustrate a particular interest. For the individual, the motivation for commissioning bookplates includes this reason, along with the desire to own beautiful pieces of art and, in many cases, the development of an interest in collecting ex libris prints as a hobby.
Bookplate collecting began over a century ago and has spread to most parts of the world. Idiosyncratic to this art form, most collections are built by exchanging duplicate pieces. Usually, collectors will have one or several personal designs; some collectors have hundreds of designs explicitly made for trading with others. The goal is to increase the size and scope of their holdings. These collections are often organized according to artist, theme, technique, country, and period. In exploring the art form, one will learn of vast ex libris prints that have been amassed, even some collections that number hundreds of thousands!
Ex Libris enthusiasts have created an international network to attain designs by establishing societies in over forty nations. Through participation in these societies, worldwide friendships can grow. Every two years, an International Ex Libris Congress is held in a different country, inviting members of the world bookplate societies to attend. Under the auspices of the Federation International des Societes d’Amateurs d’Ex Libris (FISAE), one enjoys lectures, slide presentations, and exhibitions, and sufficient time is allowed for socializing and trading bookplates. These events provide endless opportunities for artists and collectors to acquaint themselves with the interest and enthusiasm for this art form in other countries.
In the United States, the American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers (ASBC&D) was organized in 1922 to further the study and collecting of bookplates. Today, the ASBC&D membership includes both individuals and institutions. The purposes of the ASBC&D, as stated in the first Year Book, are: “To cultivate the spirit of friendship and mutual helpfulness among collectors and designers of bookplates, and to assist in the further development of the bookplate.” The publication of the Year Book, quarterly newsletter, and exchange lists accomplishes this. Many foreign ex libris associations with whom the Society corresponds and exchanges publications.